Not abandoning our own assembling together

I usually set some time in the morning to read the Word and to pray to touch the Lord. I also have a personal time to converse with the Lord during the day, just small prayers here and there. Yet I've been feeling a little distant from the Lord. I don't know how to explain it, there's like something is missing.

Here's the story.

I've been traveling a lot this summer so I've missed the church gatherings quite often, particularly in the weekends. The Lord is so wise. He is the Chief Shepherd who's caring for us in every way but sometimes He insists on supplying us indirectly through the other members of His Body (i.e., our fellow Christians). 

So today I was sitting in a church gathering, called the "the prophesying meeting." It's a church gathering practiced based on 1 Corinthians chapter 14. FYI, 'prophesying' here mainly refers to speaking for God and speaking forth God into others (John 1:1 says "and the Word was God"), not focusing on predicting the future. In this gathering, just like 1 Corinthians 14:24 mentions, "all prophesy." I wish all of you could be sitting in that meeting I went today. There was no one particular person who stood out because multiple spoke. Yet all their speakings combined became such spiritual blessings to me. Nothing exciting outwardly but deep within, I knew what happened. I was inwardly enlightened, washed, enlivened, encouraged, and I walked out from that meeting loving the Lord more. I told myself, next week, I would like to also get into the Word with a view of having something ready to share with others.

"Not abandoning our own assembling together, as the custom with some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more as you see the day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:25)


  1. I LOVE the prophesying meeting! When you read 1 Corinthians 14 you realize that the most excellent way for us to build up the Body is to prophesy - to speak for God and speak God forth! We all HAVE something - so we all can speak!


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