
Showing posts from January, 2013

Practical Revival: Being Open to One Another

In my other post, The Application of the Law of Revival , I quoted that it is very simple to open ourselves. We can tell another sister or brother in the Lord that we are oppressed and old. Actually in the same book, The Law of Revival , the author even specifically mentions how we may see each other everyday and talk about many things yet are not aware of each other's spiritual condition. Then the section continues, "To be open does not mean to speak a frank word or to rebuke others. That is to spread death. To be open is to pour out and speak forth our true condition." Our God is Flowing Last week I wrote about being practically revived by persevering in prayer. In a sense, persevering in prayer to break away from our condition and to press on to care for the Lord's need is a personal exercise. Yet since we are members of one another, in the Body of Christ, the Lord will not allow us to be self-sufficient even in the matter of revival. This practice of ope...

Practical Revival: Perseverance in Prayer

I've been waiting to be able to write this one. I think I'm still digesting all the things I've read from The Law of Revival , endeavoring to practice being revived. A practical revival should follow, don't you think? It's been few weeks where I've been, let's just say, down . I just felt so worn out within and without. I wish I could be burning and zealous for the things of God. You know, contacting and shepherding people, going on the gospel, be involved with a Christian club on campus, and so forth. Yet I just could not attain to whatever I was supposed to be or do. Does this sound familiar to you? The Lord Jesus is good. He has provided two ways for me to go on and be revived. Persevere in Prayer Recently some of us have been endeavoring to develop a prayer life. So I'd say it is not a coincidence that there has been a continuous stream of obstacles and oppositions coming our way.  Ephesians 6:18 says, "By means of all p...

New Year 2013: A Response to Israel National News

Israel National News (January 9, 2013) Yesterday one of my friends posted a link from Israel National News regarding the claim of Israel planning to build the Holy Temple on Temple Mount, the current site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It was such a wake up all for me. I mean I knew that the end time was near but now I realize that it is truly just around the corner. 2012 Winter Training: Daniel and Zechariah Just a few weeks ago I was attending a Bible truth training on the Books of Daniel and Zechariah. These two books of the Bible are known for their end times prophecies. Of course, I'm not here today to argue with you concerning the different schools of eschatology. I'm here just to present thoughts and facts. For the " abomination of desolation " prophesied in the Bible (in the Book of Daniel and the Synoptic Gospels) to come into being, the physical temple must be re-erected. On one hand, Christ needs His church to be built up as the reality of the Templ...