Conversations with Mrs. L - A Turmoil in My Church Life
Okay, so to continue sharing my Mrs. L's moments with you, I have to introduce you to a deeper dimension of my life. I'm not saying I have two separate lives but behind all things that I do outwardly (I eat, I sleep, I work, I study, etc.), there's a realm, called the church life , that I'm living in. The church life , just like what it literally denotes, refers to the practical life of the church . That being said about the church , of course, I'm not referring to the brick building I pass by everyday to go to work. I'm talking about the people. T he church life is like the practical inter-mingled, inter-related, interdependent life of all these Christ-centered people together. Back to my story. That particular afternoon I was so distraught. There was a fellowship among the responsible ones in the church for a certain matter and the result of that fellowship was carried out. I experienced an inward turmoil because plainly put, I was in a disagre...