Jesus is God

Every time I visited Mrs. L, I saw a framed Chinese calligraphy hung on the wall behind where she was sitting in the living room. One day I decided to ask her what the writing meant. It read, "Jesus is God." I didn't consider it much then. That was about a decade ago. Shortly before she went to be with the Lord, Mrs. L told a few believers who were caring for her in her last days that we must fight to stand with this fact, that Jesus is God. At her memorial service, we sang over and over again proclaiming, "Jesus is God." I took this into my heart but frankly, I could not understand why this was such a big deal. I immediately thought of some out there claiming that Jesus was a mere man and that He wasn't God Himself, or that after He died, He ceased to exist. I thought this was only a battle of doctrines. Recently I read a study on the walls of the New Jerusalem. I learned that one of the primary functions of the walls was to protect the interest of...