
Showing posts from April, 2014

Who is Qualified to Serve

Today someone asked me, " When we feel like we are not qualified to serve the Lord, is it really true or is it an attack from the enemy ?" Reflecting on that question, based on the Bible and my own experience serving the Lord Jesus full-time, I can only tell her, " It's true but that fact may also be misused by the enemy. " No one is qualified to serve the Lord because there is only one Person who can be well-pleasing to the Father, that is the Son Himself. However to this day, many have served the Lord and ministered to Him because " grace and reality came through Jesus Christ ." In other words, Christ Himself has become the grace to be enjoyed and experienced by us as well as all the reality of who the Triune God is and can be to us. Christ has become the secret to empower us to do all things in Him. Of course, the " all things " here pertains to everything that is aligned to the Father's perfect will. The enemy uses the fac...

Love Letters

About four years ago, I lived with a house full of pursuing Christian girls who gave themselves to love the Lord and poured out their youth upon Him to gain more Christ. The lyrics of this song were co-written by all of us in light of our experiences with Christ and in Christ during those precious two years of our lives. The stanzas of this song are our love letters to the Lord Jesus. Note: The tune of the song is from a popular song with the same title, "Jesus, What a Wonder You Are."  The first stanza is from the original song. Jesus, What a Wonder You Are Jesus, what a Wonder You are. You are so gentle, so pure, and so kind. You shine like the bright morning star. You are so wonderful, what a Wonder You are. Jesus, what a Wonder You are. You are our Dwelling Place and our Resting Place.  We are in You and You are in us: A mutual Indwelling, What a Wonder You are. Jesus, what a Wonder You are. You are building us into the Triune God...

Christ Has a Need

Have you thought about the divine romance That your Maker is your Husband That He formed you with a deep intent of love? Even though we fell away so far... But our God has covenanted to gain His bride. Being saved is not enough; We must match Him in every way. Loving Him is not enough; But also His appearing! Christ is longing for His counterpart. What must you and I then do? Will we only care for ourselves? Will we only love selfishly? Our Christ has a need. As we speak to Him we come to realize That our Maker is our Husband. We sense His heart and His deep intent of love. Conversations with our lovely Groom, Time spent in His presence dear Bring us into this divine romance 'Till we echo with our whole being: Our Christ has a need. By: Simply Katherine & Rebs C.