The Great Searching of Today's Society
Observation on Today's Society Recently one of my resourceful colleagues told us that he had been observing today's society and what it's searching for. Few of us are involved in an online outreach project, where we quickly realize that social media has taken over not just the worldwide web, but the world itself. There are many articles and reports out there signaling this trend that significantly impacts teens, college students, businesses, and many more. Just to give you an example, a recent blog post by The Washington Post was entitled, " Many Teens Tell Survey They're Addicted to Social Media, Texting ." Or, you can check out the 2012 social media statistics . Actually not only social media, the Internet in general has become a world in its own. The online realm is "The 21st century's New World." Sooner or later, everyone would migrate there and it would soon become the next superpower, having a major influence over the glob...