Watch and Pray

After many travels, I finally got to sleep a little bit more today because my most recent flight got delayed; and so I missed my connection to fly across the Pacific ocean. While I was waiting in line to speak to the customer service representative at the gate, I told the Lord that I couldn't figure why this happened but I would like to find Him in the midst of all. They reissued my ticket to depart tomorrow instead. It was strange; for the first time in a long time, I felt free. I had only planned to sit on the plane for the next 20 hours or so. Now I had nothing. I got home and remember that I had cleaned and packed everything already. No more list of things to do. I rummaged the fridge for leftovers, ate some snacks, then went back to bed. Two hours later I woke up rested and threw myself into the couch considering what to do next. In the back of my head, I still asked why this random thing happened with my travel and what I was supposed to accomplish today. I glanced over...