
Showing posts from January, 2012

Satan's Stratagem: To Divide Us over the Small Things

Mrs. L 's husband once said that in our following the Lord, what would divide us were actually not the major things but the minor things. Should we print the gospel tract in yellow pamphlet or blue pamphlet? Should we pray out loud or pray silently in the meetings? Questions such as these are minor details in serving the Lord Jesus, yet often they become the divisive factors in our laboring together with fellow serving ones. I have many examples and experiences that I could share with you concerning the temptations of being divided over the small things in my Christian service, but today I just want to share with you concerning a more minor thing that happened in my life. I live far away from home, so I don't get to talk to my mom that often. Recently I traveled across the ocean to visit my home. There was this one night when my mom and I got into an argument over something so silly. It was about what kind of water I should be drinking in Texas. Within me, I was burni...

Christian Song: Our Human Spirit

Last year I attended one of the college-age gatherings with Christians on Campus. I learned a new Christian song called, Our Human Spirit.  The lyrics were directly taken from several verses in the Holy Bible. So I just want to share it with you all. Please note that I obviously did not write this song. Our human spirit is different than our soul.  "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23) It is the innermost part of our being that is specifically created by God (Genesis 2:7), to contact God (John 4:24). So here's the song lyrics. Our Human Spirit  It is in our spirit that we were born again (John 3:6);  it is in our spirit that we were made alive (Ephesians 2:5; Romans 8:10);  it is in our spirit that God has come to dwell (Ephesians 2:22; 2 Timothy 4:22; Romans 8:1...

Our Offering to God Must Not Be a Stolen Christ

Today I did my usual reading from the Life-Study of Exodus, an in-depth exposition of the Book of Exodus. As I was reading Message Eighty-One, I came across this quote: "Presenting an offering to God is a matter of experience. All the materials prepared by God must become our possession, enjoyment, and experience. Then, through our experience, we shall have the right and the position to offer these materials to God as a heave offering." Many times when I read about the offerings, all I could picture in my head were lamb, doves, rams, etc. However, I never really thought about how the children of Israel possessed those animals. For sure, they did not obtain them by stealing. That would be both a sin and an insult to God. A lamb was created by God and prepared by God, but the person who would like to offer that lamb had to first properly possess that lamb. Then not only gain the lamb, he had to properly   handle the lamb.  In our experience, I found out that the princi...

My Grandma Read My Blog

In this trip back home, I got to spend some time with my lovely grandmother. I missed her so much, I actually still do. She missed me a lot too. She won't directly ask me to just stay and live in my hometown, but I always have this sense that she's always waiting for me. Whenever I tell her that I and my sister are coming home, she will start counting days until the day we actually come back home. Thinking about my family all day is too sad, that's why I'm not doing that.  I'll tell you later why I choose to stay in Texas and live here. It's not because I don't love my family or anything like that.  Today I just want to write a short post on my grandma reading my blog post.  I told you before that my grandma knew Mrs. L. My grandma used to send Mrs. L organic bird's nest for health purposes.  My grandma doesn't really speak English but she took some English classes before (in her sixties). So I showed her my blog post about my conversat...

Back in Town

Sorry for the long delay of this post. I finally arrived safely, back to Texas. I think I arrived on Tuesday evening. Then I had a bad jet lag. Well, there's about 12 hours difference between Texas and back home in Southeast Asia. It's the ultimate jet lag. Total opposite. Day and night. Check out this post for some documented adventures that I had with my siblings during our travel to Asia: Singapore's Chinatown Frog Porridge I'll get back to my blogging routine soon, everyone.

God Has a Need: Come, All Things Are Ready!

I'm taking an extra week or so off from work, so I was reading this book called, " God's Need and God's Goal, " by Witness Lee . The first chapter is very touching. While man (humanity in general) has feeling only for his need, God has a greater need. The chapter begins with Luke 14:17, "Come, for all things are now ready."  This verse is then followed by Luke 15, the passage concerning the forgiving father and the prodigal son. In this story, we often focus on the hungry, filthy, poor son who desperately needs to return to his father. However, if we read more closely, we will soon realize that the father himself has been longing for his son to return.  The prodigal son realizes his need after he has squandered all his possessions, yet the father has been longing for his lost son since the day that son left his house. The father has probably prepared the best robe  for his son's return long before the actual day of the return.  ...