Satan's Stratagem: To Divide Us over the Small Things
Mrs. L 's husband once said that in our following the Lord, what would divide us were actually not the major things but the minor things. Should we print the gospel tract in yellow pamphlet or blue pamphlet? Should we pray out loud or pray silently in the meetings? Questions such as these are minor details in serving the Lord Jesus, yet often they become the divisive factors in our laboring together with fellow serving ones. I have many examples and experiences that I could share with you concerning the temptations of being divided over the small things in my Christian service, but today I just want to share with you concerning a more minor thing that happened in my life. I live far away from home, so I don't get to talk to my mom that often. Recently I traveled across the ocean to visit my home. There was this one night when my mom and I got into an argument over something so silly. It was about what kind of water I should be drinking in Texas. Within me, I was burni...