A Prayer in this Pandemic: "Lord, Have Mercy"

I recently read one of Watchman Nee's books. It was written in January 1923 on the first issue of a publication called "The Present Testimony." The issue itself is entitled "What is Prayer." Through some of the gatherings I had via video conference, the burden to pray began to increase within all of us. However, we soon realized that we took prayer for granted. Often I pray due to a need, to ask for things, but really, what is prayer? There's a particular paragraph in Watchman Nee's writing that deeply edifies my being. Allow me to quote: "To pray does not mean to change the mind of heaven. It is the greatest mistake to think that God is hard and stubborn and that we must use prayer to battle with Him until He yields to us and changes what He has predetermined. Actually, any prayer that is not according to God's will is useless. Because God's will has suffered a hindrance from either men or demons, we come before God (as if we are wrest...