My recent trip to Chino Hills, California.

A week ago, I was in California, attending a Christian summer training (Note: the training is almost like an intensive topical study of the Bible; this time it was called "The Crystallization-Study of the Book of Psalms: Part 1"). The weekend before the training began, I visited Chino Hills with a handful of pursuing Christians from Japan, who were also attending the same training. Yes, every time I go to one of these training, I always meet new friends who are also Christians from all over the globe. This time the attendees of the summer training came from 49 different countries.

Back to Chino Hills, so I met two middle-aged ladies (one was originally from Brazil and the other from Norway) there during lunch after our church gathering in the morning. We were eating delicious Chinese food and were engaged in a quite profound conversation. I was sharing with them about how I always wondered how life would be outside of the church life bubble that I'm currently living in. At the end of my senior year in college, I actually had a fellowship with an elder in the church. I told him, "I feel like I'm living in a bubble, in this church life, all my life. Don't you think I need to learn some experiences in the real world out there?" 


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