Christians on Campus - Global Young Leaders Conference

This is my most recent post for the Christians on Campus series. So I flew to Washington D.C. to be at the 12-day Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC). 

Global Young Leaders Conference
That was my first global event ever! There were high school students from the U.S., Greece, Brazil, the U.K., Indonesia, Australia, China, South Korea, just to name a few. To be honest, I was quite overwhelmed meeting young people from so many different cultures all at once. Like I said, that was literally the "globalization" of my personal universe.

During those twelve days, I sure learned a lot about countries, cultures, natural resources, human resources, poverty, politics, and the intermingling of all these boxed into an entity called, The United Nations. 

GYLC tried to gather young people from all over the world to learn leadership skills and exchange ideas with top business leaders, diplomats, journalists, lobbyists, and many more within the global context. So I had many interactions with these people from all over the globe and we were always put together to discuss global issues and come up with solutions on basically how to make the world a better place. 

Well, you know what, we came up with great ideas but extremely challenging if not impossible implementations! That's the best thing the knowledge of the world could offer. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but I soon realized that this was not the zenith of purpose. I don't know about others, but I wouldn't want to give my life to a good cause that leads to nowhere.

Actually this reminds me of an illustration I heard in one of the Christians on Campus' informal Bible studies. I forget who did the telling but basically it goes like this: will you fix a plumbing problem on a sinking titanic?

Now please don't misunderstand this rhetorical question. I'm not ignorant of all sorts of problems that we have both globally and locally. For sure, I'm not against anyone who has a calling to help trying to solve these problems. I'm not representing anyone either. This is simply Katherine's personal view - I believe that the solution goes deeper than a mere social/political/scientific approach to cure the world. What convinced me further was what happened to me before my plane took off New York City on August 14, 2003.


  1. Katherine!WHAT HAPPENED AUGUST 14, 2003?!?! Haha, you alwaysss have a way to get your readers coming back! I cannot wait to hear the next of this series :)

    The Lord be with your spirit, sister. Grace be with you. See you soon! :D

  2. Thanks for following my blog, Nikki. Yes, you have to wait for Christians on Campus Part 7.

    Grace to you and your family too, Nikki!


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