Conversations with Mrs. L: Meeting Mrs. L

Continuing from Conversations with Mrs. L's Introduction, Mrs. L invited me to come by her house any time I wanted to. So I did, actually I did several times just to say hi but I had been wanting to sit down and have some conversations about the multi-faceted human life.

meetingI've learned throughout the years that we, the younger generation, need to learn shortcuts in life lessons. One of my friends told me that he wished he could be let alone so that he could learn from his own mistakes. I'd say, yes, on one hand, there is no way we can bypass making mistakes but on the other hand, why not learn from the older ones and have a head start in things? We need not repeat bad history.

Mrs. L is a dear and mature Christian. I went to her house, sat on one of her chairs in the living room, and asked her, "Mrs. L, can I visit you more often and spend some time with you?" She paused, she was hesitant at first because she was not sure with what kind of heart I asked her that question. You know, when you've lived for almost a century you've met tons of people and you've gone through lots of human and spiritual experiences, you begin to be able to figure things out, figure people out. That's how that moment felt like. I think she was discerning me. So I explained to her how I loved to learn and how much I appreciated learning lessons in life from someone much older, especially someone who had passed through human life with an unwavering and ever-growing faith.

She had a big smile on her face...


  1. K-

    You can't leave me hanging like this.

    Waiting with bated breath...

  2. PLEASE share with us what you learned from Mrs. L! We all need help from the older ones.


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