The Gospel of the God-shaped Vacuum

This post is a response to the most recent video published by Bibles for America, entitled The God-shaped Vacuum.

What is the Gospel?

The gospel definitely constitutes as one of the most basic elements of the Christian life. I'm a little hesitant to elaborate on what the gospel intrinsically is, not because I don't know or I don't care about it. On the contrary, I fear that I may come short in presenting the high gospel to you. But the point is you can receive the gospel even before you can fully understand everything about it!

Many people hesitate to receive the power of salvation in the gospel because they think that they need to fix up their current situation first - "Oh, the gospel is too wonderful that it wouldn't match with my poor condition," or "it wouldn't match with the condition of a despicable sinner such as I."

Yes, the salvation in the gospel is indeed wonderful! In fact, I'm daily learning, appreciating, and enjoying His salvation more and more. Nevertheless, if God gave a requirement that we had to strive to be in the "right" condition to be saved, then who could be saved?
"They who heard it said, 'Then who can be saved?' But He said, 'The things that are impossible with man are possible with God.'" - Luke 18:26-27
This is exactly why God is God! Not by my own merit, but by His far-reaching mercy that I was willing to receive the gospel and be saved. Our God specializes in the impossible cases. 

He even reached Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul, and saved him, even to the point that this sinner could become an apostle, a precious channel and messenger of God. Did you know that before his conversion, Saul approved of the killing of Stephen and of so many other Christians? Actually he might have persecuted many Christians with his own hands.

The God-shaped Vacuum

The gospel is not some tertiary or luxurious item. 
The gospel is also not a lowly, base item.
The gospel is a basic need in its core. It is human to need God.

Without further delay, please watch this video below to hear more: The God-shaped Vacuum.


  1. This is a wonderful video.
    so clear, so shining.

    I really like it.

    1. Yes, clear and shining. Thank you for reading this blog, Andrew. Hope you get to share it with your friends and family.

  2. Wow. Amen. It is human to need god. The gospel is a basic need!!

    1. The God-shaped vacuum is within all of us. It's actually part of us. We are destined to need God, otherwise we are left with no genuine fulfillment within and without.

      Thanks for reading this blog! Hope you come back again to enjoy more posts in the near future.

  3. This video is quite powerful. Praise the Lord for technology being used for the spreading of God's kingdom.

  4. There is such a God-shaped vacuum in all of us. The good news is this God-created third part doesn't have to remain empty. God has gone through such a wonderful process so that He can get into this part and fill it with Himself. In this way not only are we satisfied, but God is expressed and His purpose is fulfilled. What a gospel! Thanks for posting "the God-shaped Vacuum."

    1. Amen. Thanks for reading this blog.

      It's an important statement that you made -- we don't have to remain empty.

  5. Wow. So clear, moving, and powerful. We were created to contain and express GOD.

  6. It is! Actually I've read a quote before, "If we do not contain God and know Him as our content, we are a senseless contradiction." That really hit me hard. It was so true with my own situation that this quote literally woke me up from being a content Christian to being an endeavoring Christian, a Christian who's pursuing to know God as her content.

    Thanks for reading this blog, Emily! Your comment is a great encouragement to me.

  7. Hi Kathrine. Great blog. Personable and full of truth. Keep posting!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Davina! May the Lord continue to enrich us all with more of life experiences, much more of Himself.

  8. If Saul of Tarsus could be forgiven of his sins, so can I. This is mercy. The Lord is precious.

    1. Tis mercy indeed. We have hope. The Lord forgives and forgets, and He uses our mistakes to wrought Himself in us and in our situation. Isn't that your experience as well, Yung-en?


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