Coming Up: Puerto Rico Trip

I'm counting days toward my Puerto Rico trip. I've never been there but I heard from others that Puerto Rico is so beautiful!

My siblings and I will be traveling with a small group of Christians from Texas. We will be staying with families affiliated with Christians on Campus on the island. I just can't wait to get to know these Christians and have fellowship with them.

It's quite amazing how Christ has torn down our differences on the cross so that now we can simply embrace our brothers and sisters in the Lord regardless of their personalities and backgrounds.

Ephesians 2:14 says,
"For He is our peace, who has made both (the Jews and the Gentiles) one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us;"
One of the major differences that we have with one another is our culture. Most pride in their unique identity, being part of a certain culture. Sometimes I even feel like my culture defines who I am.

But Christ died for us to be our peace, to make us all one in Him. 

Yes, outwardly it's not easy to overcome our differences because our differences always create offenses without us wanting to hurt anybody. So in my next post, I'd like to share with you my experiences in Puerto Rico. I'm expecting the Lord's blessing to adjust, mingle, harmonize us all together in Him.

I'm talking about 1 Corinthians 12:24 (Amplified Version):
"Which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so adjusted (mingled, harmonized, and subtly proportioned the parts of) the whole body, giving the greater honor and richer endowment to the inferior parts which lack [apparent importance],"


  1. So happy for you Katherine! Sounds like it'll be a great trip. Any time I've traveled and stayed with other believers it has been such a blessing to see more of the Body of Christ. What sort of things do you plan on doing in PR?

  2. What a wonderful opportunity! I know you will enjoy your fellowship with these believers in Christ.

  3. Enjoy yourself. Maybe you need to visit Australia sometime, we have even better beaches !! blessings, Graeme

    1. Thank you! By the way, I enjoyed reading your blog, Graeme.

  4. Enjoy the trip! Blending trips are one of the most enjoyable ways to have our vision of the one Body enlarged.

  5. Christians on campus is an awesome organization that helps connect you with other Christians who love the Lord. I was connected with many believers through this group.

    1. Yes, I'm glad you have the same experience as well, Dennis. May I recommend you to read more of my posts in my Christians on Campus series?

    2. May you enjoy the commanded blessing on the unity with the believers in Puerto Rico: life forevermore (Psalm 133)!

    3. Renni, check out my most recent post on Puerto Rico Blending Trip:

  6. What a wonderful trip! It's life-changing to go visit people from your family on God's side :D and beautiful pictures!!


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