Selah Moments

These days I've been so busy that I feel like I have a spiritual indigestion.

I mean throughout the years, I've developed a habit to read the Word and to have a small morning time with the Lord on a daily basis. Yet I feel like my brain is cluttered with so many things during the day that I usually forget what I've read from the Word or what I've enjoyed in my morning time with the Lord. Even worse, often I already forget what I read as soon as I step out from the door to go start my activities out there.

The Lord has been reminding me to stop and have some selah. The word "selah" is used in the Bible. In Hebrew, it can have multiple meanings but one of the most commonly accepted meaning can be found in the Amplified version of Psalm 46:3. In this verse, selah means "pause, and calmly think of that."

So that's what I need. Just to stop, to pause, from my busy mind, my busy soul,... And calmly think, consider, meditate, digest the Word of God that I've enjoyed that morning. I can stop and digest even in the midst of the haphazard schedule that I have.

Thank You, Lord. You've made it so easy and simple for us to turn to You. We can simply turn to the innermost part of our being, our spirit, where You are dwelling.


  1. I can definitely relate. I heard something along these lines once that really encouraged me. "Although you may forget the water you washed your face with, your face was nevertheless washed." God's word is refreshing and cleansing whether we remember what we've read or not.

  2. That's very encouraging. We always have the washing of the water in the Word. Thanks!


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