From Texas to Southeast Asia

I can't wait until the D-day. I'm going back to Southeast Asia this winter! Adios, wintry mix! We will spend our winter break on a tropical island.

I have been waiting for the past two years - to go home. Po and I are going to bring tons of stuffs home. Our tiny dwelling here is too tiny to house all of our belongings. Usually we'll fly with some Asian airlines but this time, we're going to fly with United Airlines. Po complained a lot but I told her those were the cheapest tickets I could get for our trip home.

Well, let's see. I've packed the sugar-free cookies and candies for my grandma, tie pin for dad, bag for mom, bunch of random items for my brother, and some cocoa mix for cousins. I told Po that we would not spend any more money on anything else, but failed. Today I went out with my awesome companions and ordered "chicken katsu bento" for lunch. 

Random gifts for my family!
Did you see that emergency freeze notice?
That's why we're leaving Texas.
Oh, and the MacBook Pro is mine.

Yes, I do daydream about what I want to do at home with my family. I never forgo my daily responsibility, but when you see me spacing out, now you know why. 


  1. Aw that's awesome that you finally get to visit home! I'm sure you and your family are so excited!!! :) Can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back!!!

  2. Thanks, Danielle! We are excited, this is our first time together in winter since... I can't remember when was the last time we were all home at the same time.

    I'll definitely share about my trip when I get back. Hope you have an awesome break yourself, Danielle!

  3. Wow did you completely change your website or do you have a different one too?

  4. Yes, I have 2 blogs, Rebs. This one and

  5. i'm still going to complain about our plane tix till next year ;p


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