Christ, Our Life

This post was scheduled to be published right when I'm boarding to fly to LAX. I'm very excited to go home! We're going to lay over in L.A. and Tokyo, then Po and I will meet our brother in Singapore. We will spend about a week there in Singapore. I will definitely update you all.

Coming into this winter break, I'm reminded again that I can't afford to take a break from the Lord. I hope that this break will be a season of refreshing, where the roots of my personal relationship with the Lord would go deeper and richer. 

Going home is never easy for me. There are many complications of feelings, situations, and many more. However, I'm looking forward to be able to fellowship with my family. I remember my fellowship with Judy (the wife of the older couple whom I met through Christians on Campus) when I was a freshman in college. I was having a hard time being with my family back home because at that time we were having some family issues. 

Judy told me that I simply needed to realize that I didn't need to be anxious about my spiritual condition. She said, "That's okay, K. Do not worry about any deadness in the situation. You simply need to realize that you are the life-bearer." Her fellowship helped me to see the situation from God's perspective. If I never knew that I could be a life-bearer, dispensing life supply to my other family members, I would be totally stuck in the miserableness of blaming everything that was happening to me.

So during this winter break, I'm looking forward to continuously turn inward, to the Christ within me - Christ, our life (Colossians 3:4).


  1. Amen ~ Cause us to see only you:) OUR LIFE!!

  2. May the Lord grant you seasons of refreshing and deeper fellowship with Him. Yes, and don't take a break from the Lord.

    Keep blogging your enjoyment of Christ in the word.

  3. Thank you all. Today I was reading the four crucial elements of the Bible include Christ, the Spirit, life, and the church. The emphasis on Christ in the Bible is the fact that He is one with us, mingled and united with us. This is the starting point of our daily Christian walk.


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