Conversations with Mrs. L - Helping the Younger Sisters to Love the Lord More

love Christ

I finally wrote a card and sent it to Mrs. L. She's recovering from a surgery but I have no clue how she's doing right now. So I decided writing a card would be the best way to reach her at her convenience. While writing the card, I was reminded of a conversation I had with Mrs. L about serving the Lord. 

On my previous post, I mentioned about how sisters should let the brothers take the lead. Well, actually this was not all. On that day, Mrs. L also encouraged me, "Katherine, help the younger sisters to love the Lord more." After a long pause, I thought to myself - I had to be the first one loving the Lord more. I found no other way.

In my experience, my heart grows colder toward the Lord rather quickly, especially when I'm so occupied with daily human responsibilities or even, spiritual responsibilities. Yes, I'm talking about Bible reading, sometimes I just want to whiz through it without stopping my busy mind and turn my heart to contact the living Person in the Word.

There was this other time, I was busy preparing an event to welcome young Christians into the church without having an inward, intimate fellowship with the Lord. You know, love is developed and preserved by spending time with the person. I know it's kind of a general statement but it's true, the condition of my love depends upon how much time I've spent with the Lord that day. Not only that, to love Him I have to know Him deeper through His Word. These are the practical handles of loving the Lord more.

In the morning, the faces of the young ones whom I'll meet during the day cross my mind and I know I cannot let my heart goes on without being rejuvenated with the Divine Love. Mrs. L's words have encouraged me to stop all my doing and spend a personal, private, intimate time with the Lord in His Word in the morning.

So when I meet others during the day, I wouldn't be too concerned with other goals, such as how to solve anyone's problem, instead I would have the opportunity to simply help them touch the loving One. Since my heart is in a loving condition, helping someone else to love the Lord becomes who I am, not merely something that I do. Truly, we can only bring someone to where we are. We can't bring someone to go beyond who we are.


  1. So Good. And I'm glad you sent her a card :)

  2. Thank you, Tamara. I really hope she'll have time to read the card.

  3. Your post reminded me of something I read today, from a book called Life-study of Mark, chapter 25.

    It was talking about the meaning of taking up the cross, which is to deny the self. But to deny the self does not mean suffering, it means termination.

    This termination needs to be applied to ourselves and to every aspect of our daily living. To live for the sake of Christ and the gospel is not a matter of behaviour, but it is a matter of living Christ in a practical way - just as you described.

    When we live Christ, we will live the gospel, and others will see it.

  4. Sarah, thank you for reading my post and sharing. Yes that's right. Also I find out that in my experience, the best way to live Christ is to love Him.

  5. Wow, amen. Lord, keep us loving You with the first and best love so that when we encourage others to love You, it would already be our living.


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