Christians on Campus Fall 2011 College Conference (Part 3)

On the second day of the conference, we gathered early to listen to a 15-minute fellowship on early rising to have a morning time with the Lord. Then we went to find a private place where we could spend a personal, intimate time with the Lord. This fellowship was very healthy and helpful. As young people, many times we all love to sleep late and wake up late. Actually that morning, our fellowship began with this quote by a sister in the Lord: 

"How much a person loves the Lord can be judged primarily by the way he chooses between his bed and the Lord. Do you love your bed or the Lord more? If you love your bed more, you sleep a little longer. If you love the Lord more, you rise up a little earlier."

This quote stings, like putting salt on my wound, my weakness, but I realize that it's very true. Of course, striving in ourselves to wake up early can only work for two or three days. We all know that soon after we'd revert to our old habit, sleep late and wake up late. So through this fellowship, I was greatly helped to learn how we needed the Lord's grace to build a new habit of early rising.

So this week I was just practicing, as soon as I heard my alarm, before I automatically hit the snooze button, I would speak a little something to the Lord. Something like...

"Lord, I have no strength to wake up to live today. You have to be the One living through me."

"Lord, wake me up."

"Lord, I'm sorry I slept too late last night."

"Lord, I still love You."

Yes, I have a long way to go to just keep practicing touching the Lord in the morning. To be with Him in a personal, private, and intimate way. If we do not practicing meeting the Lord everyday, what will we do when we have to meet Him later at His second coming?


  1. I also was touched about waking up a tiny bit earlier to touch the Lord in the morning. This week and a half after the conference I have been telling the Lord that I need help to get up and spend time with Him in the morning. I can testify that He is faithful! My morning time is not always successful but He has been faithful every morning to wake me up and draw me to turn to Him. Because I have just been open and telling the Lord how I feel, He has a way to work in me. Thank You, Lord Jesus!

  2. That is such an encouraging experience, Rebecca. That's right. We can just open up and tell Him how we feel. Isn't that so sweet? Many times that exact conversation with Him, just telling Him how I actually felt, became my morning time with Him. He has been faithful.

  3. Thanks for the prayer ideas! I like this one too: "Lord be me."


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