Conversations with Mrs. L - Letting the Brothers Take the Lead

let brothers take lead
Growing up, I was taught to be an independent thinker. So when Mrs. L mentioned this matter about letting the brothers to take the lead, I was somewhat puzzled. I understood that we, as sisters, should follow the brothers' lead but Mrs. L opened up another dimension on the matter. She said, "letting." To me, that sounded like there was an implication of "you may not be thinking the same thing, but you would still let them take the lead." Now that's contrary to a popular notion out there to stand up for what you think is right.

I'd be the first one to confess that this isn't easy. Many times I insisted on my ways because I genuinely thought that I was right, but if you think about it, that's exactly what the other person would think about his/her ways. So who's right?

In the end, it's not about being open-minded or conservative. God's ordination is God's highest wisdom in relation to His purpose. Actually my attempt to explain what Mrs. L implied in her words still fell short, but I received and kept her words in my heart. They were words of life. With time, these words have continued to grow in my heart, adding more and more dimensions to Mrs. L's simple sentence, "Katherine, let the brothers take the lead."


  1. Wow, Katherine, this is so well put! "God's ordination is God's highest wisdom in relation to His purpose". That makes so much sense in the context of what you're saying. And I appreciate how you take it out of the realm of open-minded vs. conservative. Thank you for sharing these lessons with us.

  2. Thank you, Tamara, for reading this blog. Please feel free to share this post to people you know, especially the younger ones. I feel like these days, we simply need to stand on the shoulders of these saints who have paved the way for us to continue. So instead of repeating history, we will all make progress toward His coming again.


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