Christians on Campus - I Needed a Home

winter gloves
Like always, please check out my previous post (Christians on Campus: Needing Older Christians) for context, everyone! This post is part of a series, entitled "Christians on Campus".

So Grace took me to this couple's house for a dinner one evening. Honestly, I can't remember when exactly we went to their house, but I think it was early in the Fall semester. It was just the four of us: the couple (Don and Judy), Grace, and I. We had a delicious home-cooked meal and chatted about many topics.

Don was interested in the geography of my home country. He was an extremely resourceful man, both in knowledge and spirituality. Judy was a very pleasant, warm lady. The whole atmosphere in that home was casual, loving, and comfortable. I couldn't help but falling in love with being in their home, being in their midst. My cheeks were sore that night because I couldn't stop smiling all evening.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that Don was the older man who gave practical Biblical lessons in the Christians on Campus Saturday night gatherings. Yes, what an awesome divine arrangement! So happy, so thankful, so restful when I found out that their home was open to receive a young freshman like me. At another dinner with them, Judy gave me a pair of winter gloves. I grew up in a tropical island so they were helping me with some tips on how to properly dress for the windy Texas winter. The gloves were too big for my hands (I lost one of the them that winter), but my heart was deeply touched receiving that token of love and care from them.
All my fond memories of this couple reminded me once more of how the Lord Himself had nurtured me in such a loving and intimate way, through this couple, through Grace. The Lord knew exactly what a young person like me needed. What I needed was that home- the best environment for me to grow in a normal way, both humanly and spiritually.


  1. Praise the Lord for the homes! I am encouraged that you are still blogging away. I am just starting one myself, so if you have time come by and feed the fish! Praise the Lord! Andrea also started one as well...

  2. Hi Enosh, thanks for following my blog, and I'm glad you and Andrea have a blog. Waiting to read away your blogs. May the Lord continue to enrich you both with more experiences of Him.


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