Conversations with Mrs. L - My Friend's Question

Finally, I successfully convinced my friend, Apple, to visit Mrs. L. Apple mentioned once that her dad used to be Mrs. L's gardener. So I told Apple that she should introduce herself to Mrs. L. Mrs. L would love to see her. You see, there was this misconception in the neighborhood concerning Mrs. L. Because Mrs. L was way older than most of us living in that neighborhood, people thought she was a harsh, strict, spiritual lady. Or, many assumed Mrs. L would be too busy to get to know them. This was not my experience at all. When it was time for me to leave her house, Mrs. L would always walk with me to the door and she would always say: Come anytime. Whenever I'm here, my front door is always open.

So I went with Apple to Mrs. L. I was right, Mrs. L sure remembered Apple's dad. He used to help taking care of her garden before he  got married to Apple's mom and moved to the Northwest area. The question of the day was from Apple. She asked, "Mrs. L, is it possible for someone to change throughout the years?"

(to be continued, click here for Can We Change?


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