My first time blogging...

So this is my first try, I was persuaded to start a blog during my usual Monday night dinner at the Chang's. This is after the crazy, busy days of SXSW and everyone had just gone to the different sessions given by successful bloggers or something like that. Apparently, lots of blogs out there are food blogs. I'm tempted to start a food blog myself but decided that it'd be too detrimental to my general welfare, to be specific: the health of my arteries and bank account.

So how to describe my blog then, I would say my blog would undergo lots of turns here and there. It's a true challenge when your life isn't exactly what people call exciting. So yup, I take this as my personal challenge. Let's start this way...

I'm green and so when I talk (I'm not that eloquent either), people usually won't listen to me. But I would like to engage people's thoughts concerning things that I've been considering about. Sounds too vague, huh? That's because I don't know how to put it in a better way. Back to the title of this blog though, I wish to incite a change in someone's mind somewhere. 

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