Take Comfort in the Sovereign God

It is easy to be stumbled and to ask, "Where is God? What is He doing? Why is He letting all these innocent people suffer?" This is why we truly need a spiritual vision to see the throne of God, the spiritual scene behind the world situation that we see with plain eyes, and Christ as the center of God's administration. To be honest, when I heard the consolation to be comforted because God is on the throne, I was convicted. Can I take comfort in the sovereign God?
God is on the throne, sovereign and ruling over everyone and everything. From the second message in the conference, I was reminded that "everything concerning the world situation is decided on the throne" and "nothing can happen outside the rule of God's throne." In the Bible, even Satan had to ask God's permission to sift Job (Job 1:6-23; 2:1-6). In other words, nothing will happen to us if God does not allow it to happen. Often I take comfort in that. But also everything that happens or has happened is never an accident, it has been decided on the throne, allowed by God. Can I truly take comfort in that? Do I really put my trust in God's sovereignty?
Nevertheless, I soon realize that the greatest comfort I've received is to know that Someone else is in control. God is on the throne.
Many years ago, I was comforted by realizing the fact that God's heart toward me is always good and He's good to me not just for the sake of being good, He's good to me so that He can work out what is mutually good for both He and I. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Within the context of Romans 8, the good here is not about getting material blessings, such as the best spouse, career, or health. It refers to being conformed to the image of His Son, the good here is for us to grow to be mature sons of God, to be fully sons of God not only in life (because we're born of God), but also in actuality, in function, expression, and authority to represent God.
In my natural tendency, I seek instant comfort. I want to be comforted with a perfect health. I want to be comforted by a financial stability. I want to be comforted by everyone taking their parts seriously and thus the world becomes a better place. I'm always alarmed by the fear of "I can't control what's happening!" Nevertheless, I soon realize that the greatest comfort I've received is to know that Someone else is in control. God is on the throne.
His decisions, His choices, His preferences, and His ways have always been and will always be the best, the most right. His love, His care, His judgment, His building up, His perfecting, His preparation to marry His Bride are the most far-reaching and the most thorough. Do we believe Him in this way? When rejections come, do we take comfort that it's all for the best? When sufferings come knocking at the door, can we be made whole by trusting in the invisible yet powerful salvation that Christ is accomplishing within our souls?
To me, it's not that difficult to believe the fact that He is God. Jesus is God. But to fully let go and to believe into Him, with all that I am and with all that I have, dig deeper into my being. In all honesty, it is not easy to come to God and be humbled, to live under His throne. But the time has come to prove who is on the throne and time will continue to unfold the truth that we are not in control.
There may be many who claim themselves kings. But whose throne do we want to live under? Which king do we want to entrust our life to? As I read the Bible more, pray over His word, and consider Him in the light of His constant and living word, I'm drawn to love Him more and to let Him fill my being with His person and heart's desire. For me, I have decided to take comfort in this One. Christ is my King. He is the sovereign God who has "the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy (the household arrangement that He has ordained to accomplish His purpose)."
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