Life is a Person

Christ is life
For those of you who know Romans 8:6 by heart, you must be quite familiar with this notion "for the mind set on the spirit is life and peace." This verse is indeed profound, leading us to the conscious choosing of our spirit, which is mingled with the Spirit, versus the flesh. Furthermore, it leads us to take heed of the sense within the deepest part of our being-- the sense of our spirit.

To recognize the sensation of death and the byproducts of death, e.g., depression, oppression, indifference, coldness, hardness, etc., then turn to our spirit by calling on the Lord Jesus so that we may experience life and peace is such a healthy and reviving practice!

Nevertheless, most of us are somehow too complacent to seek and desire to fully grasp this life. As I was reading a Christian periodical, entitled The Ministry of the Word: The Mending Ministry of John, I came across a powerful, heart-engraving paragraph:
"Life is not some kind of thing, power, or influence, and neither is it a mere blessing or a spiritual condition. Life is a person; life is actually the person of the Triune God."

Oftentimes because we would like to achieve a lofty spiritual state, we simply do whatever we can to attain a thing, called "life and peace." However, God does not give us a thing, He gives us Christ the Son, who is actually the full embodiment of the Trinity Himself, who then through His death and resurrection and through our receiving Him into our inner being, has become our life and everything. 
"We must not depersonalize life."
1 John 5:11-12 say, "This is the testimony, that God gave to us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life." Today both in our personal Christian life and in our church life, there may be many "holes" and many "breaks." Yet the only One who can truly mend our inward being and the outward situations is Christ, who is life. He is now ministering Himself into our being to mend us, restore us, perfect us, prepare us, and equip us so that we can become build-able with one another to be the building of God, His church.

So I shall close the day with this quote from the same periodical:
"Everything in God's economy (Gk. household administration) is personal, and the church life corporately depends absolutely on our personal life with the Lord. Then we come together and express corporately the wonderful, indescribable person. May we be enlightened to see that life is a person. In order for Christ to be our life, we must let Him be our person, because the life is in the person and the person is the life."


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