Christ Has a Need

Christ has a need

Have you thought about the divine romance
That your Maker is your Husband
That He formed you with a deep intent of love?

Even though we fell away so far...
But our God has covenanted to gain His bride.

Being saved is not enough;
We must match Him in every way.
Loving Him is not enough;
But also His appearing!

Christ is longing for His counterpart.
What must you and I then do?
Will we only care for ourselves?
Will we only love selfishly?
Our Christ has a need.

As we speak to Him we come to realize
That our Maker is our Husband.
We sense His heart and His deep intent of love.

Conversations with our lovely Groom,
Time spent in His presence dear
Bring us into this divine romance
'Till we echo with our whole being:
Our Christ has a need.

By: Simply Katherine & Rebs C.


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