God's Game Plan: The Secret Weapon

the spiritual war
I know. It's not a game, it's a war. On one hand, Christ has won the victory through His first coming. He died an all-inclusive death that took care all the negative items in this universe, including Satan himself. Not only that, He resurrected and became the life-giving Spirit to indwell us and be everything to us. He also ascended, proving that indeed He had successfully accomplished God's redemption plan.

However, as long as practically He has not yet become the centrality, the center, and the universality, the everything, of our lives, of this whole universe, there's a war. It seems like the whole world is going against our Bible reading time, our prayer time, our morning time with Lord, and on and on. It seems like we lose our temper and run out of patience all the time. There's a war.

The way to fulfill God's ultimate plan in the divine history is by Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit in our spirit. (Please see references under this post.) Without a doubt, there is only one way to accomplish God's purpose-- Christ Himself. The question is, where is He today?

Yes, He is in the heavens, but Colossians 1:27 clearly points out that Christ is also in us. When we received the Lord Jesus into us, He came into our human spirit as the Spirit to indwell us. Many miss the importance of our human spirit, yet Zechariah 12:1 equals the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man in one descriptive clause of who Jehovah is: "Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the the spirit of man within him." 

Our human spirit is God's secret weapon to fulfill His purpose. What makes human the masterpiece of God is the spirit within. That spirit of man enables him to not only contact God but also to contain Him. The old creation has always been remote, separated, from the Creator. Yet the new creation contains the Creator, thus he is one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). This is God's "new invention."

We have to know:
  1. That the secret weapon, our human spirit, exists; and
  2. That we can activate or switch it on.
When we switch our spirit on, we are saved. Isaiah 12 shows how our spirit is very much connected to our mouth:

"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. And you will say in that day- Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth. Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
We need to utter thanksgivings to the Lord, calling upon His name from the bottom of our being, singing, praising, making known what He has done to others. When we strike our spirit and fan it into flame, the Christ within will take over.

Now, another item that God has revealed to us is the enemy's strategy. Since this post has gotten very long, I will continue next time.



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