Only Lovers Can Be Mighty

Continuing from my last post on our Christian mission in choosing to be part of the mighty ones is another quote by R. Kangas, inspired by the divine romance portrayed in Song of Songs chapter 3:

"We are not trained to be mighty ones merely by being sent to a barren place to pass through one hardship after another. Rather we are trained by maintaining and nurturing our love toward our Beloved. Our Beloved is the mighty One. His love prevails... We should not allow the enthusiasm of war or the thrill of victory to interfere with our steady, developing, ongoing romance with the Lord."
The mighty ones are God's army, beautiful in the Lord's eyes and terrifying to the enemy (Song of Songs 6:4). Yet what's so astonishing about this army is the fact that all these ones are firstly LOVERS! In a sense, to the mighty ones, they do not go to war to win, they go to war to "waste" their lives upon the One whom they have loved. To the mighty ones, this spiritual warfare is not a mere exciting movement or event. It's a way of living of not loving their soul-life even unto death (Revelation 12:11). As I'm considering and praying regarding my willingness to be part of these mighty ones, I have come to a conclusion- that it is impossible to be such ones without being lovers of Christ.

It's most logical that only lovers can be mighty. Think about it, are we willing to give up our own pleasures and desires for someone whom we love halfheartedly? Are we willing to give up our own lives for someone whom we barely love? Only lovers can be mighty. But why? It's because only lovers can love not their soul-life even unto death, for the sake of the One they love.

"...the outcome of our personal history in the divine history is that we will love the Lord more than life itself... Moreover, it will be so normal. We are not heroes. When we compare the value of our soul-life to that of our Beloved,... then our attitude on the earth will be that we will not love our soul-life even to the end. This will happen, and this will terrify the enemy and become the factor of our power." - R. Kangas


  1. I love the tension inherent in this combination! Great post Katherine. Probably most all of us are deficient in both but tend toward one or the other. That's what I appreciate about this army- by being built up together we are balanced and rounded out in our experience.

    1. Absolutely! No soldier goes to war alone. It's pretty clear that there's a strong dependence upon one another in the army. Yet even as lovers, we need to stay close to the "burning" ones, otherwise we can easily grow cold toward the Lord. Just like coals that are burning because they stay together. You see, if you set aside an individual burning coal, it will soon cool down.

      Not only we need to be built up together so that we can be balanced and rounded out, we need one another TO BE the army, TO BE the lovers, don't we? :)

      Hebrews 10:24-25 says "And let us consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works, not abandoning our own assembling together..."

  2. I'm inspired! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I was also very much impressed with this dual aspect of loving the Lord and becoming the mighty ones - the bridal army. As we love the Lord more and more, as we go on in this divine romance between us and Him, we become beautiful to Him and terrible to the enemy (see the lover in Song of Songs). This means that we love the Lord to the uttermost and to Him we are so beautiful that He is captivated by us, by our fervent love for Him... while at the same time, to Satan, we are terrible and fierce!

    Not sure if humanly any bridegroom would take his bride to war right after the wedding feast or part of the wedding feast, but this is what Christ will do. He will take His Bride and descend with her, the mighty ones, to defeat Antichrist and his armies! I am SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!

    ... Lord Jesus, keep us loving You more and more...

    1. The bridal army... Wow, that sounds very romantic, deep, and fierce.

  4. Yes! Mighty ones are overcomers, overcoming to give Christ the first place, the best love.
    Thank you Katherine.

    1. Overcoming is not an individual matter then. I'm appreciating more and more how we need one another to give the Lord the first place in our heart.

  5. Thanks for writing this post Katherine. I'm so freshly inspired. Amen. Lord cause us to love you more and more each day. May our love for the Lord become deeper and higher over time. It's so true. We only fight for those we love deeply.

  6. Lord, make us these mighty ones.

  7. Amen Lord, make us the mighty ones! Gain the mighty ones You need to love You more than life itself! Keep appearing to us, attracting us, and wooing us to "waste" ourselves upon You!

    1. Yes, may the Lord be the Mighty One in us. May we let Him do everything, anything, necessary to make us His mighty ones.

  8. Wow, it's amazing that to be useful for the Lord is not to be strong or perfect, but to simply love God and depend on Him.
    Thanks for posting. It was refreshing to read.

    Lord Jesus, I love You!

    1. Glad you're still following my blog! :) Thanks for commenting.

  9. To be mighty ones all we have to do is love the Lord. Then we are able to fight for Him and with Him. But this would not be possible if He did not first love us. Praise You, Lord!

    1. That's so true. We love because He first loved us.


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