Christ Satisfies

Christ satisfies
I apologize for the late post. I did not withhold anything from you. In my last post, the claim was clear and straightforward: Christ satisfies and the Church includes us.

The truth behind the delay is I'm having a hard time trying to write more about this claim. Not because I don't have any supporting facts but it's because I have too many. I'm having a dilemma in finding the most fitting perspective to share with all of you concerning Christ and the Church (the use of upper-case "C" for the word "Church" is mainly for emphasis).

Well, one of the many ways to expound on the claim is to share it from a life experience. I'm not inviting you to evaluate what I'm about to write in a doctrinal and reasonable way. On the contrary, this is a true life story. I'd love for you to, for lack of better words, sympathize, empathize, and relate in the most human way. Everyone has their own story of how they met the Lord. This one is mine.

I grew up in a quite affluent Christian family. My parents were hardly at home because they worked so much, but no doubt they loved us and always strived to provide us with the best nourishment, standard of living, protection, and education. I still remember they wouldn't buy us any junk food or video games. Also everyday we had a personal tutor who would come to our house and help us with our studies.

As a little child, I was quite happy living a comfortable life yet within me something was missing. I thought I was yearning for my parents to be around more, meanwhile my grandparents had faithfully taken us to the children's meeting (i.e. a Christian gathering for children like Sunday school but it was on Saturday afternoon) every week. So as I was missing my parents, I remember that in those children's meetings we would pray to Jesus.
His name is Jesus Christ. I distinctly remember praying with a yearning heart, "Lord Jesus, please make mom and dad, both of them, call me right now." I was praying with my eyes opened, staring at the phone. The phone rang. I think it was dad. I talked to him for a bit and hung up. Then the phone rang again. It was mom.

I finally hung up, but I was stunned in front of the phone. Something was welling up within. It was joy, it was sweetness, it was thanksgiving. It was fulfilling. I mean I was glad I got to talk to my parents but more than that the deepest hole inside of me was satisfied. I finally met Someone who knew my heart, who cared to meet my little needs. I couldn't stop smiling after that. I knew no one could take Jesus Christ away from me. I felt like from within and without, He was truly meeting my true need.
That sensation is still vivid in my being that it would always bring me the tears of assurance that indeed Jesus Christ satisfies, He is all that I really need. Actually the same assurance has come up again and again in various situations in my life. When I say assurance, I meant to say I not only believe that Christ will satisfy but I know for sure that Christ satisfies.
A young child with many needs had experienced the satisfying Christ. People say the older you get, the more needs you have. Needing happiness, security, fulfillment, freedom is part of being human.

It's human to need God. It's human to need Christ. Christ is God and He satisfies. We don't need to analyze these, we just need to experience this Christ by receiving Him into our heart and into our life. Yes, I think that would be the most fitting explanation: Stop analyzing, just start receiving. Christ satisfies.

Isaiah 58:11 says,
"And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."


  1. For sure....only He satisfies!

  2. Amen! He is the only one that satisfies our empty feeling! Katherine, this is simply amazing. It may me tear up a bit since its similar to my experience. The Lord will always be found when He is search for :)

    1. Wow, that's awesome, Jenni. Do you know why the Lord will always be found when He is searched for?

      It's because He exists, He lives, and He hears us. :)

  3. Yes, He's the living and true God, yet the most available, loving, dearest person, and only He can satisfy because we were made for Him. He's always there, even when you don't realize it, just waiting for you to turn to Him so that He can satisfy your every need.

    1. Thank you, David. That's very sweet. He's just waiting for us to turn. Do you have a short experience to share?

  4. I definitely agree Katherine; the crucial point is not if, when, or how Christ will satisfy, but it's that we give Him the opportunity to do so! So many times I've opened to Him (sometimes as a last resort), but that allowed Him to come in as satisfaction to the uttermost. Such a sweet experience! He ALWAYS satisfies!

    1. Indeed! It's not like He does not want to or is not able to, but that He needs to allow Him to satisfy us.

  5. It's awesome to realize that we need God, only when we are filled with Him and receiving the supply that only He gives we can truly be satisfied and filled with peace and joy. Thank you Katherine for sharing!

  6. Endearing post Katherine. It's a great thing to know lasting satisfaction.

  7. He cares to meet our needs! How sweet is that! Amen!

  8. Isn't the Lord amazing? I love how He hears our every need and meets it! Christ is surely the most satisfying!

    1. Yes, He is the Overseer and Shepherd of our soul. He actually cares for the welfare of our entire being.

  9. I enjoyed it a lot, Katherine! Thanks for sharing. Praise Him!

    1. Thank you for reading, Xiaowen! Come back often. Actually you can subscribe via email if you'd like to (at the top right corner of this blog). You can just enter you email address and make sure you confirm the subscription (it'll pop up in your email inbox).

      Thanks again!

  10. Amen! "It's human to need God. It's human to need Christ. Christ is God and He satisfies." The stop analyzing and start recieving part popped out of the computer screen for me while reading it. As humans, we try to analyze everything. The truth is that nothing and no one can compare to Him! He is simply satisfying in a way that everything that is not Him dims out and becomes blurry to me when I enjoy Him. Lord, keep us recieving and enjoying You!

    1. Yes, it's mind-boggling to us that sometimes what matter is not the reasoning but the experiencing. :)

      Thank you for commenting, rdlc!


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